Bringing Smiles to Orphaned Faces: A Christmas Gift Giving Initiative in Nigeria

For many volunteers, the experience of giving Christmas gifts to orphans at a Nigerian orphanage is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of their lives. The joy and happiness on the faces of the children as they receive their gifts is truly heartwarming. The impact of these gifts goes beyond just material possessions; they also provide a sense of hope, love, and belonging.

Here is the experience shared through the words of one of our organizers, Kamal Sultan Abdulazeez.

“As I visit the Abuja Orphanage home in Karu, I am struck by the realization that the children value not just material provisions, but also the presence of individuals who will listen to them, share in their problems, and be someone they can trust and call family. This is the role I have taken on since first stepping foot into the home 15 years ago: that of a big brother. My own elder brother visited this home before me, and after his passing, I felt compelled to continue his legacy and take on trips to the home alongside my other friends.

During these visits, we engage in a variety of activities with the children, such as playing games, sharing jokes and advice, eating, and even sometimes sleeping over at the orphanage. We also support the children by organizing programs such as book clubs, sanitation classes, and vocational lessons. These activities help us stay connected to the children throughout the year and provide them with encouragement and support.

The festive periods, however, can be a particularly difficult and lonely time for these children as they are often without family and loved ones to share in the celebrations. This is where our efforts become especially important, as we mark the end of the year with carols, barbeques, and parties, and gift the children items from their wish lists. The children look forward to these celebrations and the chance to connect with my friends and family, providing them with a sense of community and belonging.

Festivals are a way for us to celebrate our heritage, culture, and traditions. They allow us to connect with loved ones and provide structure to our social lives. However, for the children at the orphanage, these celebrations can be a stark contrast to the reality of their daily lives. It is important to remember that these children do not have the same support and love that many of us take for granted, and they need our love, care, and compassion.

During my time at the orphanage, I have been amazed by the children’s resilience and the skills they possess despite their difficult circumstances. I have also been humbled by the incredible optimism and dedication of the volunteers working at the orphanage. The smiles and gratitude of the children serve as a powerful motivation for us to continue our efforts to support them. When we share with others, we receive back so much more. Our efforts to support, organize, and coordinate activities at the orphanage may seem like a small drop in the ocean, but it is important to remember that every drop contributes to the beauty of the ocean. These children deserve to be happy and to have the opportunity to thrive, and it is our duty to give them a voice and show them care and compassion. As stated in many religious texts, the act of continual charity is beneficial not just in this life, but also in the hereafter. Let us all strive to make a difference in the lives of these children.”